Friday, February 6, 2009

Second Shabbat

Today was quite a rollercoaster of a day. In the morning we rolled out of bed to go on our weekly Tzedakah project (charity work). This week's project was amazing! We went to a preschool and planted flowers and make fruit salad with little underpriveleged children. The only issue was that they spoke no English. It was challenging but great, I could talk to most of them (seeing as my speaking abilities are right where they are). One of the children, Libby, was quite a talker, and another girl proceeded to sit on my lap in the sandbox, she was adorable. And one girl, Talia, looked just like my sister when she was that age. Talia adorable and really curious about where we were all from, you could tell she is very smart.
When we got back, we were dumped with very upsetting news. One of my camp friend's (who is on EIE with me) father passed away. He left this morning. I knew his father because he would always host camp reunions, he was friendly and warm, I'm very sorry to hear the news. He and his father are in all of our thoughts.
After a while I started homework and then went to get ready for Shabbat with a few friends. We got ready by singing Disney, Backstreet Boys, Michael Jackson and Moulin Rouge. I can't believe this is only our second Shabbat, it feels like forever since we've been here. I've already had a test in Hebrew, gone to an amazing place called Tel Gezer (where it's believed that Abraham camped near) and created amazing friendships. I'm so excited to know that these experiences will only continue to grow. Now I'm off to actually get ready...


ps: The picture is of me and my roommate Ashley.

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