Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Kotel

In my AP English class with Ephraim (an amazing teacher and person!), we were assigned a free write on our first Shabbat experiment in Israel, and I thought it would be appreciated by my family members and friends to share it with you. First of all, it was our first time in Jerusalem, and it was breathtaking. I had been there before but this time it was just... different. We went to the Western Wall for Shabbat and walked around the streets with my friends. So here it is:

The stones; ancient, stained with the blood and hope of our ancestors stood before me as tall and magnificent as I had remembered. I looked around at the black hats and long skirts, suddenly self concious, thinking I didn't dress modestly enough. But as I touched the stone, what was happening around me had suddenly vanished. The thoughts and prayers of a religion, a nation, came rushing though me and I felt my legs begin to tremble.
I found a crack just big enough to slie my note in. I had put thought and time into that note, but I still fear that what I wrote was selfish. I placed the note in and pondered what words were written nexst to mine. Words hoping for healing of body, healing of spirit, perhaps a second chance, world peace or maybe love. I put my head against the Wall and improvised a prayer; one that felt honest and holy.
I stepped back and looked upward at the towering bricks and roots pushing their way through. My view became blurry behind my tearing eyes, each tear dedicated to all those who have never been there. All those who dreamed of it, or fought for Jerusalem so that they could stand as I was. And I thanked them.
I walked away, staring at the Kotel, knowing I had just succumbed to the power it held. The power of my religion, the power of my people, and the power of God.

The Kotel (or Western Wall) really was a different experience for me this time than it was the first time. I really got to appreciate how old and how strong it is. It has only made me more excited to be here...
(I know I'm writing twice tonight in two seperate blog posts, but that's because this one was specifically for The Wall... and pictures will be up soon)


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