Thursday, May 7, 2009

Family Reunions

In middle-late March, my parents came to visit me! We went on many adventures including getting lost in Jerusalem, meeting up with family, and staying with our family friends (and who are my family here) for a weekend. It was so much fun! Having my parents and sister in Israel was great, I missed them and having a piece of home in this home felt right.

With my parents here we went to visit family that we have met only a few times before. One of the families my mom, sister and I had never met before. It was fun and bizzare knowing how many people we're related to! We also visited friends who are like my family...

The family I stay with almost every weekend is the Levins. The parents are Shuki and Shira, with a 20 year old son, Dor, 11 year old daughter, Michal, and a 25 year old daughter, Natalie, who stayed with us for the summer four years ago. I have gotten very close with them and hanging out with them and my actual family was a blast. What's awesome about Israel is that no more than 30 minutes lie hundreds of beautiful, ancient places to hang out. Natalie and Dor have scoped out every strange location and brought us to a few of them. They were really beautiful and not something you can see in America. I dont have much to about the trip... it was relaxing. Oh! We went to a restaurant where Natalie works at and one of the waiters opened the door for us and as we made contact and he said, "Bari?" It turned out to be one of my favorite camp counselors I haven't seen in two years! His name is Omer and he has known Natalie since 7th grade. It's a small Jewish world. The restaurant was a great break from Kibbutz food, I had a nice big steak. Something I had greatly missed.

Saying goodbye was difficult but they had a nice flight home and I'm sure my parents are slowly enjoying an empty nest.

The picture is of the girls of my family and the family we'd never met
So after my parents left we all got ready for Poland...

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