Sunday, September 28, 2008

Wanted: Police

Lately, Chicago has been growing in violence, and people are putting the blame on Daley and the lack of police officials being hired. Daley claims that the growing violence does not have to do with not hiring more policemen. His evidence is that, "we have an economic crisis. . . " so the violence rate is up, and the jobs are down. He further states that cuts in Chicago's funds will be made since "We have to look at this in a four-year financial plan; we're not going to be irresponsible." Daley's statement that it is based off of economic crisis warrants that because of the economy issues, many people are being laid off and few people are being hired which leads to more desperate times and therefore more violence. He also doesnt want to be irresponsible so he and the government need to make every step carefully so they don't land in debt. Mayor Daley is basing his argument upon logic (logos) with the economic issues, as well as pathossince he doesnt want to mess up the economy or Chicago further. I think Mayor Daley makes a good argument putting the lack of police force on the economy, however, there's no hiding the fact that if there were more police, violence rates would most likely go down.


MattH said...

I kind of disagree with Daley's thinking here. I think that his connection is a bit of a stretch. Just because somebody gets laid off doesn't mean he/she is going to go rob a bank. I think that he basically needs to hire more policemen, and the violence rates will go down if the new recruits do their jobs. I Just don't think that the connection is relevant

MattH said...

I don't really get Daley's thinking. just because someone gets laid off doesn't mean they are going to rob a bank or harass an old lady. just put new policemen in the city and if they do their jobs the rate should go down. I personally don't think the connection is relevant.

Matt M said...

I completely agree with you matt. I remember during the summer there was one week when there was a record high of shootings. Does that mean that was the worst economic time? No, that would just be an absurd statement. Mayor Daley is just making an excuse so that Chicago doesn't have to pay more money for police officers. I think his logic is completely wrong.If the city of Chicago wants the crime rate to go down, they will appoint more police officers. More police men= lower crime rate.