Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Off to the South

Well this will be my last blog for about two weeks. On Thursday we will be going to Masada and the Dead Sea. I'm so excited to hike Masada again, this time we will be hiking at three am and watching the sunrise from the top of Masada. I'm very excited, also, the Dead Sea is always fun (as long as you dont get water in your eye or have any cuts). From there we will be heading to what I think will be my biggest challenge: the army. It's a program called Gadna where we are in "basic training" for a week which includes drills, army neatness, strict schedules, nighttime attack drills and shooting an M16. It will be very difficult but very fun. I hope... After our week in the army we are headed to the "hot spot" of Israel, Eilat. It should be awesome!

This week has been pretty nice, rainy a few times (which is good for Israel) and really calm. Not much is going on. I must say, this past week it has really hit me that I'm here for four months and I've started to miss home a lot. I love it here, but there's always a part of me that misses my bed (seeing as we only get two blankets here...), my parents and my friends. Just as we started settling in to our rooms, making it feel like home, we have to switch roommates. I'm bittersweet about this, I understand that it will be a good oppurtunity to meet new people, but I really really love my roommate. We get along so well and she's probably my best friend here, plus we only get roomed with our buses and it was just by chance that we were roomed together because she's on another bus. But I hope my next room has better internet, there is only one spot that works (which I'm on right now).

The picture is a view from my favorite spot on the Kibbutz.

Also, I'm very happy to say that Ben Azriel, who left us earlier, will be returning to Kibbutz Tzuba today! Along with this excitement comes the sadness that my friend Judith will be leaving because her parents want her home because of her shoulder injury. She will be leaving as Ben is coming tonight. It really is bittersweet.

I almost went a whole day without chocolate. Almost...

Well, I have to go to Hebrew!


Bari (or my Hebrew nick-name here: Shablonah... it's my favorite Hebrew word, it means stencil)


Anonymous said...

Sounds awesome. Israel sounds a lot more fun than... JUNIOR THEME! YES! Anyways, the army stuff sounds rough I guess? I would never want anything to do with the military, but I think having a little taste of it like you're having would be pretty cool.


Mr. Lawler said...

Safe travels, Bari. We miss you!